Monday 20 September 2010

Bristols First Freewheelin' Carnival

Sunday September 19th
A wonderful day, an amazing turnout and beautiful decorated bicycles and people !
A seed has been planted, from little acorns, already looking forward to next year !

Photographs and Links enjoy !

Sunday 12 September 2010

Why Ride a Bike When You Can Ride a Horse Bike

The winner of the Seoul Cycle Design Competition 2010, "Horsey,"

The designer, Eungi Kim, explains:

horsey' is an attachable bicycle ornament/accessory which makes one's bicycle look horsey! the 'horsey' package includes wooden ornaments (horsey shape body), metal parts, and screws. the manual is very simple so that anyone can easily arrange it according to one's needs. through this 'horsey' project. I wanted to give a special look to bicycles so that people would care about cycling not only as transportation but also as a lovely pet.

Lovely indeed!

Align CentreWhy Ride a Bike When You Can Ride a Horse Bike

Why Ride a Bike When You Can Ride a Horse Bike

I just hope my horse doesn't get bored being a single-speed. [designboom]

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